Radical Domesticity #6: Adulting & Past Issues
Radical Domesticity #6: Adulting & Past Issues
Imported from Antiquated Future, a brilliant American zine distro based in Portland, Oregon.
Radical Domesticity #6: Adulting
Within: a really handy list of things you should check for when renting a room or apartment, the joys of the dollar store, the evils of Teflon, how to dress for real world jobs, preventing and getting rid of moths, and at-home DIY craft projects to unwind after all the adult stuff.
16 pages, half-letter size.
Radical Domesticity #5: Food and Friends
Within: how to be a good host, how to wash your clothes so they last and last, how to remove even the toughest stains, how to store food, making a storage system out of milk crates, and much more. And her advice on how to be a better guest? Crucial! At any age.
16 pages, half-letter size.
Radical Domesticity #4: Wintering
A guide to deciduous leaves, DIY bird feeders and seed, recipes for hot beverages and warming foods, how to keep a cold at bay.
Emma's brilliant introduction responds to the idea that maintaining a home is somehow not radical or feminist. Everything she has to say is so wise! Best line: "A chore wheel is not the beginning of a police state."
16 pages, half-letter size.
Radical Domesticity #3: Summers Up
Herbs and flowers to save the bees, ice-cube tray recipes, backyard boredom busters for those long summer days, and so much more.
Perhaps the best thing about Radical Domesticity is that it's not only super fun and helpful, but it also addresses communal living and gives ways to conceptualise living with other people. Essential tips you don't often see in other zines.
16 pages, half-letter size.
Radical Domesticity #2: The Sewing Issue
How to sew on a button, how to sew in a zipper, the differences between scissors, how to measure yourself correctly, and so much more.
20 pages, half-letter size.